Jo and I are really getting along well with all the people in the college, the staff, the second year cadets and especially our Witnesses for Christ session. Everyone in our session has a real, authentic passion for Jesus and for being involved in the ministry he wants for them.
Is College tough? Of course. Is it enjoyable? Definitely. The schedule's busy, with lots of different things to do, e.g. New Testament studies, cleaning duties, paperwork to file, prayers, eating lunch together, travelling to local Corps (Salvation Army's), Pubs on Friday nights, and loads more. It's been a challenge to coordinate everything, as their are lots of different aspects of College life, and different course expectations.
How are our finances? Well, can't let you know too much, as then we wouldn't be living by faith, but lets just say, we're still praying that our possible Centrelink payments will arrive soon, as they haven't yet...
What would I say at this point in time about other people thinking about Officership? I would say, if you are considering it, then if you have been filled with the Holy Spirit (and if you have, you know you have been...) then the Spirit will pull on your heart when its the right time... I believe we need to pray earnestly, and resist the devil's tricks, as I believe he is attempting to hold some back from diving into the Will of God! College is tough, but don't be deceived. College life is awesome and God is equipping us for the privileged task of leading the movement we call the Salvation Army into fulfilling its mission of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. I say this nicely: Don't be wimpy and think its all too hard. Don't be so confused by postmodernist talk, that says putting aside some time for training is useless. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, and God WILL give you influence, and if he's called you into it, then he WILL use you and fruit WILL come out of your ministry.
I want to take this opportunity to say thanks for all those that are praying for us while we're in College. There has been some nights, we have literally felt the Holy Spirit lift us up into the presence of Jesus, and we said to each other, 'I think someone's praying for us!'
Praise JESUS! Send the Fire Lord! Let the Revolution now begin!
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