Sunday, March 11, 2007

Vision: Leadership of the future

The most thriving churches seem to be ones where the leadership team is strongly focused on vision. Leaders like Bill Hybels (left) know the importance of sharing future expectations with their congregations, of sharing stories of what the future might look like... Churches with powerful vision-casting are more motivated and inspired to complete the ministry God has given them.

So why would I blog about VISION?? Whether a church grows or declines is strongly related to the ability of the church's leaders to cast an exciting vision to their congregations. It's simple stuff. Vision motivates people. The fact is many of our churches are not sharing the vision for the future and if they are, it is not always something that filters into the culture of who that church is.

Lets be leaders who inspire those we minister to. Lets share a vision, so powerful, so grand, that only God could achieve it, and a vision so motivating that people follow. Jesus is raising up an army of revolutionaries who will change the World, and we need leaders who catch onto that and bring others along for the journey!
"The future belongs to those who see possiblilities before they become obvious."

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