Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says that leadership happens on five levels... Stick with me, lets learn some things...
Level one: Leadership is based on position. 'People follow because they have to'. At level one, you merely lead because you are appointed to a position!
Level two: 'People follow you because they want to'. You do more than just lead because of your position, but you lead more effectively out of the relationships you have built with others.
Level three: 'People follow because of what you have done for the organisation'. Production. Bring in the results and people will follow you. Read Developing the Leader Within You (John C. Maxwell) for more teaching on this.
My point today!!! If you are just beginning to try and lead others, begin by investing in building strong, trusting relationships with those that are following you. Then get some runs of the board, empower people, let God bring in some Kingdom results, and then lead people from a deeper level, even to level 4, where 'People follow because of what you have done for them!'
You want to see a Revolution? Then realise everything rises and falls on... LEADERSHIP!
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