Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Key

* The door is locked to the presence of God. I need the key.
* The door is closed on passion. Pass me the key.
* The door is locked to radical disciples entering in. Where's the key?
* The devil is prowling around, and I've accidentally secured the deadlock. If only I had the key.
* People are attempting to worship, but aren't fully expressing their love for God. Have you seen the key?
* Potential leaders never seem to be stepping into the door of opportunity. They need the key!
* Some people are bound up in depression, addictions, apathy, self-centeredness and half-heartedness. If only I had this key...

I was searching around for the key the other day, and I found it in the Word of God. Matthew 16:19 -'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.' Then I realised... the key was prayer.

Greater things are happening in Darwin, because people have been committing to 24/7 prayer. This includes one African woman being delivered from oppression and being filled with the Holy Spirit! God opens doors, when we pick up the key and ask God to please use it!!

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