Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Mindless Survey

I did a little mindless survey during the TACO Trivia Night at the Training College. There were 10 tables, each with a pen to be used for answering the questions. At the end of the night I collected the ten pens. This is what I found:
* 5 of the pens were in the same condition
* 3 of the pens were without lids
* 2 were chewed to billio.
So next time you're giving out pens, expect 20% to be gnawed like there's no tomorrow.

Jim Scorse said to me recently, '7 days without prayer makes one week (weak)' Nice.

'Don't let your service be dictated by your feelings, but rather let your feelings be dictated by your service'

The word laity comes from the Greek word 'laos' which means, 'people of God'. There was never meant to be a clergy and laity divide. We are all part of the 'laity'. Officers and priests are not more important than other believers in Christ, they just fulfill a different function within the body.

For your information:
* 68 days til Commissioning time
* 75 days til Jo's having a baby

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