Thursday, October 9, 2008

Vision and Reading the Word

On a silent retreat recently I received a new found passion for reading the Word of God. I came across this verse of Scripture: Psalm 119:18 - 'Open my eyes to the wonderful things in your law' (the law referred to the first five books of the Old Testament - but I reinterpret it to refer to the whole of the Scriptures). Try praying this verse out before you read the Bible... It really allows God to challenge you and speak to you when you read...

Commissioner Joe Noland (U.S.A) spoke to the cadets recently, sharing how he planted a Corps, and hundreds came and heard the message of Jesus. He said:

Do not let your vision be hindered by your resources
Do not let your vision be hindered by your experience
Do not let your vision be hindered by your self-esteem

Also, 'Don't say as I do, but do as I say and do'

God bless those officers in the Australia Southern Territory that will officially be told their new appointments today...

1 comment:

  1. Do not let your vision be hindered by your contacts.


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