Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time to train

It's a new month. There's new opportunities. I found this picture on Salvationist Andrew Clark's Website and was reminded about the mission of The Salvation Army. We're not called to live the easy, comfortable life, with a good job, nice car, and enough cash for a decent holiday. We're called to spend our life on behalf of the hurting, to share the message of Jesus with the unknowing, to love the unlovable. It's not an easy mission, but why should that stop us?

* TACO Fundraising is going to go Global! We're hoping to have over 15 venues in Australia next year and with a few other countries buying into the vision, we could have towards 30 venues! For a brief overview of this year's work, check out:

* define a 'Cadet' as - 'A student in training for service as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Coast Guard.' Can someone tell them to add 'The Salvation Army'?

* People ask me, 'Have I enjoyed Training College', to which I answer, 'It's been enjoyable, but challenging, at times exciting, but sometimes painful.'
'Would I recommend it?' 'If you're called to be an officer, then of course I would recommend it!'

* The Ambassadors of Holiness are next years session, and some of my mates are gearing up for a full-on two years of training... If you know anybody going into College next year, why not support them financially and prayerfully?

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