* TACO Fundraising is going to go Global! We're hoping to have over 15 venues in Australia next year and with a few other countries buying into the vision, we could have towards 30 venues! For a brief overview of this year's work, check out: http://www.taco-trivia.blogspot.com/
* Dictionary.com define a 'Cadet' as - 'A student in training for service as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Coast Guard.' Can someone tell them to add 'The Salvation Army'?
* People ask me, 'Have I enjoyed Training College', to which I answer, 'It's been enjoyable, but challenging, at times exciting, but sometimes painful.'
'Would I recommend it?' 'If you're called to be an officer, then of course I would recommend it!'
* The Ambassadors of Holiness are next years session, and some of my mates are gearing up for a full-on two years of training... If you know anybody going into College next year, why not support them financially and prayerfully?
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