Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reaching Different Cultures with the Gospel

In Starting a New Church, Ralph Moore writes, 'My understanding of the gospel and its core values causes me to want to evangelise gay people as much as straight people. It makes me care about rich people as much as the poor. It forces me to regard drug addicts with the same enthusiasm that I direct toward beautiful young children. Everyone, no matter how he or she looks or acts, needs to hear the gospel'.
While most Church leaders would agree that our churches should be inclusive of all cultures and backgrounds, most of our churches in the West are simply middle-class, white people. We find it hard to grow a community of faith with more than one dominant culture. Here in the NT there are few churches who find a nice mix between White Aussies and Aboriginal Aussies. The reason: it's difficult!
Frost and Hirsch say that missionally we need to adopt a strategy that reaches a particular people group, while making sure our discipleship heads toward heterogeneity (Kingdom of God - all cultures). Sure, I agree, but lets not stop at building little pockets of middle-class families over there, and welfare clients over here and Africans over there... Lets bring them together as followers of Jesus.

There's lots to be said. Add your comments.

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