Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TACO Trivia Nights exploding into 2009

TACO Triva is going to explode this year! We are looking at having 15-20 TACO Trivia nights around the Australia Southern Territory, raising towards $20,000 for Training Cadets Overseas. A Cadet from the Australia Eastern Territory is looking to run with it over there, and their Territory wide mazazine, Pipeline, is going to do an article on it!

There are couple of interests from people in the USA to run TACO Trivia Nights themselves, and we have a TACO Trivia Night organised in Canada for next week (thanks Vangi).
The TACO Trivia Blog is taking off - Check it out at http://www.taco-trivia.blogspot.com/ Why not put it in the favourites? There are 30 people a day checking it out from around the World, using the Trivia Questions that have been getting posted! Thanks Google!

For more information on running a TACO Trivia Night, or to become a Territorial TACO Coordiator, email Pete at peter.brookshaw@aus.salvationarmy.org

Cook TACOs and play Trivia and get people along. Pretty simple concept really.

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