Saturday, July 25, 2009

Faith like Potatoes

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I saw a good movie last night. It depicted a true story of a farmer, who became a follower of Jesus after hearing the gospel when his wife dragged him along to Church. God took a hold of his life, and he grew passionate about evangelism, and sharing the good news of Jesus to his African friends and Scottish family. God did many miracles through him, in which he testifies of God raising an African woman back to life after a sudden illness took her life. Then God brought rain from nowhere as raging fires blew through the farm. God used this man Angus, to fulfill his purposes. To bring life and meaning to those who were spiritually empty. What a powerful story, of what God can do if we choose to follow Jesus, and have a simple faith that God can and will do the things he says he can and will do!

God give us a simple faith, to believe in the impossible even in the midst of 'reality'.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Big20 - Big Times, Big Opportunities

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Next week Palmerston Salvos are running a big festival weekend called, 'The Big20'. We're celebrating 20 years of ministry within the Palmerston community. We're having a Saturday jammed packed with Stalls, Kid's rides, Devonshire Tea, BBQ, Outside Stage with local community entertainment, and something that is proving to be very popular: Palmerston's Got Talent. Darwin Salvos and others are joining us for Church on Sunday morning (outside on Stage), followed by a BBQ lunch, followed by Mainly Music on stage. Big times.

We have been blessed to have the local Newspaper run with a story for next weeks paper, and Southern Cross Television (Channel 7), putting it on the community billboard on TV, and another guy from the Government making up an 'Around Palmerston' video to air on TV too. Praise Jesus.

We're believing for many people to come along, to connect with each other in community. We will be sharing about the love of Jesus all weekend, not holding back about the beliefs that underpin who we are. We're believing for hundreds and hundreds of people to walk through the property and engage with us. It's all very exciting.

I'm reminded of seeking first the Kingdom of God and then 'all these things will be added...'. I'm unsure theologically what this means, but I take it with the belief that if we seek first the Kingdom of God, the other things will work out; finances, plans and strategies and desires. I've been seeing that happen. The local Council donated some balloons left over from Palmerston Festival, and guess what colour the balloons were? Red, Yellow and Blue!! All the Salvationists are saying, Amen, thank you Jesus.

Jo and I thank Jesus for what he is doing in people's lives. We are seeing people commit to the work of the church, even before they understand much about what the mission of the people of God is! Many are on the verge of following this amazing Jesus. My prayer is that they will. If you are a prayer warrior, please make it your prayer, that people will repent and begin a new life, with Jesus at the centre.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Reclaiming the Humanity of Jesus

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A new book from Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost is called ReJesus. It is talking about the need to Re-Jesus the church; to reclaim a clear understanding of who Jesus is, and what his role in creation is. Its really a book on Christology, which they say is, 'the study and examination of the entire phenomenon of Jesus, including his person and work and teachings, for the purpose of determining in what ways the various elements of his life and activity can be emulated by sinful human beings'.

They argue about reclaiming the humanity of Jesus. Salvation Army Doctrine number 4 says, 'We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the Divine and human natures are united, so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man.' Like many theological discussions, it is about balance. When we overemphasise the divinity of Jesus, we find it harder to relate to a Jesus that ate, was tempted, got tired, and wept. The preacher's cry then to become like Jesus seems too high to ever reach. When we over emphasise the humanity of Jesus we down play the salvific act of the death and resurrection of Jesus, which by grace, through faith will give us life eternal. It's about balance.

Jesus is someone who we can follow after, who we can emulate with our life (even now), and someone we can relate to. He is also the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who takes away the sin of the world!

Jesus was no less than a revolutionary, who turned the world upside down, and had 20,000,000 followers in three hundred years. Not bad. I could only hope a couple more people read this blog :)

Christology is exciting and adventurous, as you explore the radical Jesus of the Gospels and delve deeper into the truth of who he really is...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Revival, Peace and Idolatry

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It's dangerous reading a book on Revival. Quite often its written by someone who has been in the very midst of a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit. I can sense God's presence and challenge to dream big, and believe for great things to happen. Many will come to know Jesus. Hallelujah!
I preached recently about having peace in the midst of the storm. Jesus has this while on the boat, and the disciples were stressed and fearful. Jesus rebuked them and said, 'O ye of little faith...' Trust God for peace in your life; amongst your stress, your busyness and the expectations of life.
O God, that people would come to know Jesus, the one who died for them; the one who came to set us free!
'Idolatry is not limited to worship of idols but includes a broader sense of allegiance to anything that is false' (Bosch, p. 134). Ouch, many of us are into Idols. God would you smash those down!! All we need is Jesus.

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