Saturday, February 12, 2011

If Oprah came to my church...

If Oprah came to my church...

If Oprah came to my church, the people would be an hour early.
If Oprah came to my church, the seats would be filled to overflowing.
If Oprah came to my church, the morning tea would be great; in fact we’d probably do a luncheon!
If Oprah came to my church, the toilets would be cleaned by some, and the walls would be scrubbed by others. Every little bit of rubbish would be cleaned up.
If Oprah came to my church, there would be an element of awe and reverence for such a person.
If Oprah came to my church, the people would give financially because of having the opportunity to meet someone of such fame.
If Oprah came to my church and she was having a special gathering before the service started, we’d probably have to ask some to come back later because of a lack of seats.
If Oprah came to my church, we’d shout and be excited to be in the presence of such a person. We might even start to sing songs ad lib, and make chants and encourage others to join in the celebration.
If Oprah came to my church... it would seem like heaven on earth.

What an exciting thing...


I wonder...

I wonder whether I would find all of this and more...

When Jesus comes to my church...?


  1. Awesome Pete! Got goosebumps when i realised what the final kicker would be.

  2. If Oprah cam to my Church I'd leave....


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