Friday, May 25, 2012

Courage under FIRE!

Salvationist John Staite from his small book Leading Simply: A common-sense approach to inspirational leadership had this to say about courage:

A leader is often required to display courage, especially when challenged by adversity or criticism. Indeed, the hallmark of a good leader is the capacity to endure and stand ready to display that courage. When there is a 'weak link' in the chain of the team's ability to face difficulties, or when a team member attempts to divert the endeavour, leaders need to step up and show their willingness to face the challenge of the moment. 
This is the challenge isn't it? To step up. The easy option is the back down and settle for mediocrity. Though mediocrity is a cop out. We must face the challenge of the moment. Staite goes on to say:
Courage of conviction is also important. Leaders may well have to be prepared to stand alone in front of their peers or superiors, and know that some members of the team may not support them. It is important for the team as a whole to feel the reassurance of the leader as one who doesn't hesitate or baulk when faced with opposition or uncertainty. Leaders need to consistently demonstrate courage and show that they are on the right path to achieve common goals. Be courageous and stay focused. (p.18-19)
I find myself relating well to these words today. I need courage. Courage to follow my convictions. Courage to do God's will despite the setbacks. Courage to continue to seek after God's heart and not be distracted.

If you are in that situation right now, be courageous; don't be afraid or discouraged, for God is with you every step of the way (Joshua 1:9).

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