The thoughts are going wild, as I consider the role of the Holy Spirit in the individual. So many questions come to mind, and maybe you've come across the same kinds of questions in days gone by:
- Am I filled with the Holy Spirit?
- Is there any such thing as a second blessing? Is this the same as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- Should I speak in tongues? If I don't, am I filled with the Holy Spirit?
While many questions come to mind, some have been too prominent in the minds of people, thus neglecting other important questions like, humanity's role in feeding the poor, or the salvation of the lost or the growing of the Kingdom of God.
Questions about the Holy Spirit are fine. But do not be obsessed with them. Seek after God and the presence of his Spirit, and have some level of peace in your life, on the response that you get from God.
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