Leadership Quotes for the Aspiring Leader! These Leadership quotes were taken from the Global Leadership Summit back in 2007.
- Vision leaks: Recast vision all the time.
- What is a leaders greatest fear? Fear of failure...
- "The higher you rise in an organisation the less truth you hear" - Colin Powell
- Most of the time we are 'doing good', but are we doing the 'most good'? Are we using our time and resources to the best of our ability, producing the best results?
- If you're nervous when you are preaching or public speaking, and your palms are sweaty and your lips are dry, try licking your palms.
- In your leadership teams promote a clash of ideas. Encourage team members to participate. Leave the meeting with a united resolution for the future.
- Maintain an open door policy (except when going to the toilet)
- Have an optimistic attitude. Adopt the idea, that things will always look better in the morning.
- Employees that are highly motivated have a 40% higher performance in the workplace than those who are unmotivated.
- Get people around you that give you a motivational 'jolt' when they walk into the room.
- Make a point of rubbing shoulders with exceptionally inspiring people!
- Connect everyone you lead to a compelling cause
More on LEADERSHIP Here.
In appointing leaders in your company, you should consider his attitude if he spreads positivity or negativity around before you even consider doing so.