Daily Devotional - 28th August, 2012
Picture this situation with me. The time is between 3am and 6am. It's pitch black. A storm is raging. Jesus’ disciples are on their boat doing some fishing and are no doubt wet, tired and irritable.
The disciples picture in the distance, someone walking on water. Amidst the fierce storm, the disciple Peter yells out "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come out onto the water". And Jesus says, "Come." Peter musters up the courage to walk off the boat and onto the water. He walks on water for a few steps and then he takes his eyes off Jesus and focuses back on the wind and waves around about him. He begins to sink.
Too many of us fear stepping out of the boat and yet we remain dissatisfied with the way things are. As John Ortberg says, ‘If you wanna walk on water, you gotta get outta the boat.’ Don’t let fear cripple you. You have so much potential, if you would just keep your eyes fixed on God and take a step of faith. Don’t wait for the storms in life to dissipate before you step out of the boat... You may well be waiting the rest of your life.
Ponder: If you stepped out of the boat, how would life be different?
Bible: Matthew 14:23-35
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