Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Have a Dream! Read the DREAM and listen to the PODCAST

On February 3rd, 2013, I shared this vision with the Craigieburn Salvation Army Community. I hope you are inspired to dream big when you read it:

I have a dream:
That the suicidal in our community will find Jesus will give them hope for living.

I have a dream:
That the depressed will find joy in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I have a dream:
Every hurting person in our community will have an opportunity to respond to Jesus.

I have a dream:
That this church would be used of God to restore broken marriages and broken relationships.

I have a dream:
That family members will give their lives over to Jesus.

I have a dream:
That this church will help people find a deep sense of purpose and calling to live for Jesus Christ.

I have a dream:
That God working in miraculous ways through the people of this church, would be the norm and not the exception to the norm.

I have a dream:
That God will abundantly finance the work of His church, primarily through the people of this church.

I have a dream:
That every idle back-bencher will find their role in the life of this church to help fulfill this great mission.

I have a dream:
That every hurting person would find hope.

I have a dream:
That every person would understand their God ordained giftedness and would use their gifts and skills to honour God.

I have a dream:
That 'Blood and Fire' would not be some cute ideology tucked away on some Salvation Army flag somewhere, but that it would characterize the essence of The Salvation Army movement.

I have a dream:
That The Salvation Army would understand that the best days of the Army were not in the days of William and Catherine Booth, but the best days are actually still to come.

I have a dream:
That this church would powerfully and prophetically impact the wider body of Christ. Not just people in our community but the wider body of Christ right around Australia, if not the Globe.

I have a dream:
That Salvos 3064 will have people waiting in the foyer hoping they will find a seat in the second or third morning service.

I have a dream:
That prayer meetings would be overflowing with passionate people seeking after God's heart.

I have a dream:
That these last few weeks have not just been a nice start to 2013, but it is just the start of something more, what God wants to do in 2013.

Listen to the "I have a dream" podcast below. The dream is near the end of the podcast. The middle of the podcast has a video playing in the background, which you will need to skip while listening.

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