Thursday, January 1, 2015

10 Things I am NOT Repeating from 2014

Like a bad curry or a snide remark to your mother-in-law, there are some things that you just don't want to repeat. With 2014 swiftly gone beneath our feet, the fresh opportunities of 2015 are before us.

Let me give you ten things I am NOT repeating from 2014.

  1. The mind numbing time I spend on i-phone games.
  2. The bad attitude I hold on to, when my spouse critiques me.
  3. The constant whingeing and whining about how tired I am.
  4. The constant whingeing and whining about how busy I am.
  5. That bad curry I had in August.
  6. That bad curry I had in September.
  7. October wasn't good either.
  8. That time I convinced everyone I was closer to Jesus, than I really was.
  9. That time I said, 'Good thanks', when someone asked me how I was... and it was more like, 'Umm... well, actually I'm grumpy and moody.' 
  10. That time I attended church without the faith to expect that God could do immeasurably more than anything I ask or imagine.
It won't be easy. Holiness is a choice. Jesus was the perfect representation of holiness. I look to him to discover the blueprint for how to live. The characteristics that underpinned his earthly life are the ones that I'm aspiring towards: compassion, focus, discipline, faith, wisdom, inclusivity, tenacity, visionary...


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