Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The struggle for Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever felt like you didn't fit in, or you felt anxious, insecure or hurt? Back in 1995 Daniel Goleman popularised the idea of "Emotional Intelligence" (EQ), which is about being able to identify, manage and express one's emotions in the world around them. Jesus popularised the idea of loving God with your whole heart, well before books on EQ became common knowledge.

The struggle we have at times, is there's often a gap between how we want to express our emotions and what is actually happening deep in our heart. I'm calling it the EQ capacity gap. By God's help we can close that gap, so that we can step into every challenge that we come across.

Read more in my new book: Who am I to change the world?
Get your copy today. God bless.

- Major Peter Brookshaw.

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