How do I live a Godly life? Taking inspiration from the life of Joseph
How do I live a Godly life is a question I’ve been considering lately. The start of the new year affords the time to look at what your values are, what you’re seeking to do with your life and why you do what you do. So let me take a different approach this week, rather than the 5 key areas that I’ve looked in the last 2 weeks (heart, soul, mind, strength, others). I promise this will still help you Grow and Go.
Let’s look
at this question: How do I live a Godly life? I look to Joseph in the Old
Testament. You could look at many a people from the Scriptures (Jesus, Paul,
Deborah, Esther, Peter), but at this point I’ve been considering this man,
If you want
to live a Godly life, I think the values that underpin your life are pivotal.
So then what are the ingredients that make Joseph who he is? Imagine for a
moment you’ve opened one of those cookbooks or searched online for a recipe
for chocolate chip cookies. There are two things you’ll find. Firstly you’ll
see a list of ingredients and secondly you’ll see a method or a recipe that
will take those ingredients and explain how to make the perfect dish.
Let me boil
down the values that underpinned Joseph’s life. I’m calling them the INGREDIENTS.
How to
live a Godly Life by looking at Joseph:
When I consider the person of Joseph in the book of Genesis, here’s the list I
A man who had a calling on his life (Genesis
A man of integrity (Genesis 39:8)
A man who prospered because the Lord was
with him (Genesis 39:2)
A man who found favour in the eyes of
others (Genesis 39:4)
A man who the Lord helped to be successful
in all he did (Genesis 39:3)
A man who had discernment (Genesis 41:39)
A man who had wisdom (Genesis 41:39)
A man who worked strategically and intentionally
in making a difference (Genesis 41:46-57)
A man who saved lives (Genesis 45:5)
Let me ask you: What are the values that characterise your
life? They may differ a little from Joseph. I remember being asked that
question over the years. I’d generally be sitting in some sort of leadership
day apart, and someone would hand me a document with about 200 values on it,
and they would say, “Circle the 5 most important values to you…”
Some of us value creativity, passion, solitude, an evangelical
heart, reconciliation, honesty, faithfulness and the list goes on. Above are the ingredients
directly found in the life of Joseph through the Scriptures. Take a moment and
consider what the ingredients are for you to live a Godly life.
So, if these are the ingredients for a Godly life (from the perspective of Joseph), I ask, what’s the recipe? What do we glean from Joseph’s life to help us on our own journey:
1. Grab a hold of a Godly dream that will underpin the direction of your life.
2. Express the following characteristics in your life everyday:
a. Integrity
b. Discernment
c. Wisdom
3. Work strategically and intentionally to make a difference in the world
4. As you do that, you will see the following begin to be outworked in your life:
A life that prospers
A life with favour from the Lord
c. A life that is successful in fulfilling the Lord’s mission
5. And the Lord will then use you to save lives, by his mercy and grace.
This is a
snapshot of the life of Joseph. This is a short version of deep work that happened
in his life, so that he could live a Godly life himself.
I wonder, do
you have a list of ingredients that would characterise aspirational values that
you want to express through your life? If you have that, then why not take a
few moments and consider the recipe. In order to live a Godly life, what are
the steps God is calling you to make? Take those ingredients, and flesh it out
a little more.
“Because I
seek to be a man of integrity, I will…”
“Since I
value compassion, when ________ happens, I will…”
“To live a
life of generosity, I need to…”
So, there
you have it today. Two key steps on how to live a Godly life. Firstly,
articulate the ingredients (values) that are the foundation of your life.
Secondly, write the recipe (and live it out the best you can, with the help of
the Lord!).
I’m keen to
know, what are your ingredients?
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