Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Making a difference in the world: Step by Step

Any difference you and I have ever made in the world happens step by step. Losing weight happens step by step. Reaching big goals happens step by step. Reconciling broken relationships, you guessed it, happens step by step. Let’s pause and consider that this week.

Heart: If I want to take the next step forward in my relationships, in the ministry, in my family, in my work life… I need to be willing to take the next step. I need to get my heart right, so I’m ready for that. Friends, sometimes we’re so afraid or anxious or hurt in our hearts, that even the very thought of taking the next step is difficult. My prayer is that each of us, would have hearts of compassion and grace, as we move forward, in Christ, step by step.  

Soul: [God speaking to Joshua] - “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses” (Joshua 1:2-3)

“And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord—the Lord of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap” (Joshua 3:13).

What is God calling you to step into in these days? Are you ready?

Mind: In the story of Joshua, we see God calling him to rise up as the next leader of the people of Israel. But what is most important in this, is not the status of position or the complexity in front of him, but his willingness to make each step count. He needed to be ready to step into a new land. He needed to be ready to step into the river Jordan (at high tide). He needed to be ready to move forward, step by step in obedience to the Word that had been revealed to him. I wonder for you: In your mind, are you willing to take the next step forward in obedience to God? What does that look like?

Strength: Over the last 2 years I’ve lost approximately 33kgs (72.75lbs). And what has been the secret? Well, to be honest, it hasn’t been one silver bullet. It’s been one step at a time. Years ago, I remember having 2 sugars in my cappuccino. Now it’s a soy latte with no sugar. I remember just twelve months ago I would graze around the kitchen cupboard, in the afternoon, looking for a snack. Now I’ve replaced it with an apple or a banana. To get healthy, it’s not a silver bullet. It’s one step at a time.

Others: If you want to change the world, you have to get off the couch. That very idea, I’ve written and published a book about. Though, let’s break it down: If you want to see a relationship reconciled, you might need to take the first step to make it happen. If you want to pioneer a new initiative, at some point, you must have a conversation with someone and kick it off. If you want the world to be a little less nasty to each other, then maybe you need to speak truth to power or be willing to take a step towards leading with mercy and compassion.

Take a moment today: What are the next steps you need to take, in faithfulness to God, in living out his plans and purposes for your life? Are you courageous enough to give it a go?

Let us know via the comments, social media or email... what does the next step look like for you?

Let's GROW and GO, in 2025!

A popular previous post: How to make the most of 2025

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